Email the eTC Service Desk

  If you need help, please complete the following form as thoroughly as possible. This will enable the College's Service Desk to respond to your problem in a timely manner. You will receive a response by the next workday. If you have an urgent problem, please call the Service Desk at 646-1779, or toll free (within the 864 area code) 1-866-269-5677, extension 1779. Our hours of staffed operation (June 2 - July 24) are 7:30 AM until 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 7:30AM until 2:00 PM on Fridays.

Please note that some fields are required and must be filled in for your request to be processed. Required fields are preceeded by an asterisk (*).

* indicates a required field

*Your Full Name:

Your eTC Login Name:

Your T#:

*Your Phone Number
(include area code):

Your eTC E-mail Address:

Alternate E-mail Address:

*Please describe your problem fully and state any error messages you received.


Operating System:


Connection Type:



Additional Comments?

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