Press Releases
Tri-County Technical College

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This release prepared by the Office of Public Relations and Marketing.
Rebecca Eidson, Director, 646-1507,
Lisa Garrett, Public Relations Associate, 646-1506,

Galen DeHay Receives Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence


(By Lisa Garrett)

PENDLETON --- Galen Dehay’s insightful leadership and commitment to excellence distinguish him as an educator with a dedication to his profession and a desire for Tri-County Technical College to gain role-model status among two-year colleges.

Dr. Ronny Booth and Galen DeHayDeHay, who is coordinator of Instructional Activities for the Science Department at Tri-County Technical College, received the highest award presented to the faculty, the Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence, at the College's 44th annual commencement May 11.

Dr. Ronnie L. Booth, president, presented the medallion to the Central resident.  The medallion is presented each year to the instructor who has contributed the most during the academic year to the profession of teaching, to the development of the College and to the students.

“Galen DeHay represents everything the Presidential Medallion stands for,” said English Department Head Robin McFall, in her written nomination. “His service to the Arts and Sciences Division as a whole is more than quality -- it is pure excellence.” 

“Galen genuinely cares about our students - our purpose,” wrote McFall.  “He takes a personal interest in students, not just their academics.  In all of his dealings with people, he never exhibits anything but professional and compassionate behavior to students, faculty and visitors.” 

DeHay joined the College in 1999 as a Biology instructor, and in the last year, his responsibilities have expanded beyond the classroom. This semester DeHay took a sabbatical from teaching to focus on the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and the Learning Excellence Initiative (LEI), two new SACS-related initiatives for the College. 

He was chosen by the administration to lead the QEP Design Team Effort which was responsible for creating and organizing the College’s QEP process for reaccreditation.  The QEP is a requirement of SACS for how the College improves student learning.  Committee member Diana Walter says, “ Galen is an organized thinker so that helps keep the work on track.  He’s also committed to running an inclusive process, which translated into everyone believing that his/her contribution is important and valued.  It’s obvious that Galen is committed to getting a quality outcome --not just to meet a reaffirmation requirement but to truly make a difference for students and the entire campus community.” 

This semester DeHay also serves as the (LEI) Director.  The LEI is the College’s QEP plan  -- its action plan. The LEI is a unique concept that is designed to give students the skills to be successful their first year in college. The LEI is Tri-County’s first foray into examining and refining a student’s first-year experience. It’s a three-pronged attempt to improve student learning through Smart Start (a super orientation), Learning Communities (comprised of the same group of students taking the same classes), and the Freshman Seminar (an academic course that gives these students the tools to become successful in college).  This one-semester experience is designed to give them the toolbox needed to become lifelong learners and to be successful in college.

“Galen has led the QEP/LEI initiative on this campus, taking it from a framework to a real working model,” said Martha Addis, dean of the Business and Public Services Division. “He has shown that he can lead a group to work together in harmony to achieve a college goals, spending many additional hours to accomplish this in a short timeline.” 

“He is repeatedly called on to serve on committees, answer questions, share information etc.,” said McFall.  “He is thorough, insightful and meticulous.  If he is faced with a task, whether it is related to his classes, his advisees, or the college-wide committees, the task will be done well,” she said.

He has served as chair of the standing committees for the President’s Council and as a member of the Search and Screening Committee for the Vice President for Academic Affairs.  He is a member of the Faculty Senate, elected as an at-large member by the entire faculty.  He chaired an Equitable Loading Ad Hoc workgroup and is a member of the Title III Development Team.  He also serves as the College liaison for working with the State Tech biotech collaboration project with Clemson University.

DeHay holds a B.S. in Biological Sciences and an M.S. in Zoology from Clemson University.  Prior to joining Tri-County’s faculty, he was a teaching assistant for anatomy and physiology at Clemson.